What country controls the archipelago known as the Rat Islands?

What country controls the archipelago known as the Rat Islands? – Answer the following What country controls the archipelago known as the Rat Islands? Correctly and Stand a chance to win Amazing Prizes Every Day.

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What country controls the archipelago known as the Rat Islands?

Answer – United States – The Rat Islands are a group of volcanic islands off the coast of southwestern Alaska in the Aleutian Islands chain. The small archipelago covers more than 360 square miles of land area, though none of the Rat Islands are inhabited. The curious name of the chain comes from the fact that rats were accidentally introduced to one of the larger islands in the 18th century. Since then, the rodents have been eradicated, and what once was called Rat Island was renamed Hawadax Island. The name of the larger chain has remained, however, and the Rat Islands continue to reach toward Russia at the tip of the Aleutian archipelago.:


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