What is the deepest zone of the ocean known as?

What is the deepest zone of the ocean known as? – Answer the following What is the deepest zone of the ocean known as? Correctly and Stand a chance to win Amazing Prizes Every Day.

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What is the deepest zone of the ocean known as?

Answer – Hadalpelagic zone – The hadalpelagic zone, more commonly referred to as the hadal zone, covers the area below 6,000 meters and is considered the very deepest part of the ocean. The hadal zone includes ocean trenches such as the world’s deepest marine environment, the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean. The name comes from Greek Mythology, where Hades is the Greek god of the underworld. For many years, scientists thought that the incredible pressures found in the hadal zone meant that nothing could survive there, but recent explorations suggest it may be teeming with life. The difficulties of exploring at such great depths, however, means that to date, scientists still know very little about the hadal zone.:


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