Which branch of the U.S. Armed Forces was founded by Alexander Hamilton?

Which branch of the U.S. Armed Forces was founded by Alexander Hamilton? – Answer the following Which branch of the U.S. Armed Forces was founded by Alexander Hamilton? Correctly and Stand a chance to win Amazing Prizes Every Day.

Get the right Answer to the Which branch of the U.S. Armed Forces was founded by Alexander Hamilton? that you are looking for. In this article, you can find the right answer and Stand a chance to win awesome prizes in Amazon Quiz.

Which branch of the U.S. Armed Forces was founded by Alexander Hamilton?

Answer – Coast Guard – Founding father Alexander Hamilton was America’s first Secretary of the Treasury. That’s not an easy job, and it was an even tougher one back then. The Constitution was still unwritten, and the federal government was so weak that it couldn’t even levy basic taxes. That was a problem because it meant that Hamilton’s Treasury Department didn’t have a lot of ways to raise money for paying off creditors. One option Hamilton did have was to raise money with tariffs and import duties. The problem was, the wily former colonists — never particularly keen on paying their taxes — had gotten good at smuggling goods past the duty and tariff collectors. Hamilton federalized lighthouses, deployed ships, and even hired former smugglers to catch their crooked compatriots. Hamilton’s new militarized smuggler-busting crews were notoriously easy to bribe, but the Coast Guard was born.:


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