Which cartoon duo were named Jasper and Jinx in their first appearance?

Which cartoon duo were named Jasper and Jinx in their first appearance? – Answer the following Which cartoon duo were named Jasper and Jinx in their first appearance? Correctly and Stand a chance to win Amazing Prizes Every Day.

Get the right Answer to the Which cartoon duo were named Jasper and Jinx in their first appearance? that you are looking for. In this article, you can find the right answer and Stand a chance to win awesome prizes in Amazon Quiz.

Which cartoon duo were named Jasper and Jinx in their first appearance?

Answer – Tom and Jerry – In 1940, MGM released a cartoon short, “Puss Gets the Boot,” created by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. In the short film, cat Jasper chases Jinx the mouse, while Jinx, in turn, torments the exasperated house cat. Chaos ensues until the owner of the house threatens to put Jasper outside. The short was nominated for an Academy Award, and the cat-mouse duo would return to the screen… as Tom and Jerry. :


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