Which fruit is used as a decorative motif on buildings to symbolize hospitality?

Which fruit is used as a decorative motif on buildings to symbolize hospitality? – Answer the following Which fruit is used as a decorative motif on buildings to symbolize hospitality? Correctly and Stand a chance to win Amazing Prizes Every Day.

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Which fruit is used as a decorative motif on buildings to symbolize hospitality?

Answer – Pineapple – The pineapple was not known to the Western world until the 15th century. It is thought that Christopher Columbus was one of the first Europeans to encounter the fruit in the Caribbean in 1493. The fruit became associated with hospitality because European explorers arriving in the Caribbean observed that villagers who hung pineapples outside their huts were willing to welcome the newcomers inside. This association traveled back to Europe with the explorers, and from there spread to North America. Exotic pineapples became fashionable, leading them to be carved in stone as a decorative motif on buildings to demonstrate to all that hospitality could be found within.:


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